  • Hello Cool WorldMedia

    We help our clients shape their stories. Now it's time to share ours.

Old-fashioned and new-fangled storytelling

Work With Us

We do it all with you in mind!

Hello Cool World Media is an award-winning full service creative & digital agency that works internationally in the areas of health and wellness, harm reduction and social justice.


We make meaningful materials beautiful.

  • Videography
  • Photography
  • Graphic design & illustration
  • Transmedia & content creation
  • Branding
  • Websites

Capacity Building

We work with people to have an impact.

  • Digital storytelling & media
  • Art for social change
  • Culturally relevant health & wellness campaigns
  • Connecting documentaries & social causes
  • Solidarity with indigenous movements
  • Non-profit engagement & fundraising

Monitoring & Evaluation

Share and grow our success stories.

  • Community collaboration
  • Research as promotion
  • Data gathering and metrics
  • Epidemiological evaluation
  • Analysis and creative reporting
  • Information visualization

"I've worked with many social and development sector communications agencies over the years in my various roles at CNN, WHO and other organizations, but Hello Cool World is easily one of the very best anywhere in the world."

Roy Wadia, Regional Communications Adviser, UNFPA Asia and the Pacific

Designed to make a difference


It's all for the best

Our work is never just a job. Every project sustains our long-term vision for social transformation.

"The team at HCW are remarkable at taking a few scattered ideas and creating beautiful, user-friendly websites and videos. Their creativity and commitment to clients never ceases to amaze me."

Jane A. Buxton MBBS, MHSc, FRCPC - Physician Epidemiologist, Harm Reduction Lead, BCCDC

Loaded with expertise

Meet Our Team

bursting with energy

Our talented contractors: designers, consultants and associates will be at your service. We hand pick every team to bring the best and freshest blend of "secret sauce" to your project

Jada-Gabrielle Pape

Creative Director, Cultural Safety Lead

Katherine Dodds

Impact Producer, Hello Cool World Founder

Sandy Haksi

Director of Online Content & Strategy

Terry Sunderland

Senior Graphic Designer & Illustrator

D'Arcy Hamilton

Director of Photography

Rylan Friday

Impact Production & Educational Distribution

Melissa James

Interactive Producer

John Sawa

Sound Designer

Atef Abdelkefi

Web Developer

David Ng

Research Associate: Gender Justice Lead

Maggie Wang

User Experience Expert, Interactive Design

Colette Abbott

Communications Consultant


Documentary Sound Guy


Bahasa Consultant

Jen Sungshine


Duane Grant, c’ee’hixid

Haisla from Kitamaat Village. HCW Consultant, Arts & Media Projects

Bella Sie

Media Communications Consultant

Mark Achbar


"What impressed me most about the Hello Cool World team was their comprehensive & all-inclusive approach to everything they do."

Ian Roe - Content Strategist, BCCDC

We partner with our clients

Clients & Cohorts

We collaborate for change

We work for and with individuals, organizations and companies who share our vision.

Be part of our story...

Blog With Us

...and we'll be part of of your story!

We love to create and share in our collaborative success stories.

  1. A blog about Hello Cool World's 20th Birthday!

  2. It's been a busy time for impact producing at Hello Cool World

  3. Post-film Q&As with special guests October 26-28 in select cities

  4. Rob Stewart's Sharkwater Extinction will be on over 75 screens in Canada on October 19

  5. BC Society of Transition Houses wins the BC Association of Broadcasters 2018 Humanitarian Award for Ad Created by Hello Cool World

  6. Hello Cool World will be discussing how to #DecolonizeYourDay

Be part of the story

Say Hello!

Contact us

We are based in Vancouver, BC, in unceded Coast Salish Territory. We also have a desk at the Centre for Social Innovation in Toronto. And of course we are 'virtually' everywhere via the world wide web! Office Line +1 604 251 5567 Info@HelloCoolWorld.com

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