Posted by Hello Cool World

Fostering Connections

24 October 2016

New kinship and foster caregiver campaign features the inspiring true stories of BC families

Room in your heart. Room in your home.

"My foster mom always hung in there. It meant the world to me because nobody else really stuck around.” - Guy, former youth in care

Right now, more than 1,000 kids across the province need temporary foster families. There's also an urgent need for more First Nations caregivers to take in First Nations children in care. Having cultural connections through their day-to-day life supports kids in their continued development.

In partnership with Agentic, we created a caregiver awareness and recruitment campaign to highlight the importance of both kinship care and foster care. Featuring the amazing stories of BC families supporting young people in their care, we developed the messaging and creative, and are in the midst of running the advertising campaign which includes online, radio and video ads.

“Our daughter adores our foster kids as big brothers, and they are great role models.”
- Leslie & James, fostering since 2014

Foster families come from a variety of backgrounds, in many shapes and sizes. We feature the story of Mitchel, a sole parent who fosters with the help of her extended family and community, as well as Sophia, who is 19 now, but stays connected to Mitchel. There's also Russell and Darrell who together have fostered over 30 kids and adopted five. Leslie and James are First Nations parents who have a young daughter, and have taken in two teenage boys from their Nation. Slam poet Guy is a former youth in care whose life was changed by his foster mom. What all of these stories share is how making room in your heart and room in your home is a life-changing experience for everyone.

For all the #FosteringBC stories and information on how to become a caregiver, visit:

Listen to the Radio Ads

Fostering Connections Campaign Credits

Co-creative directors Phillip Djwa of Agentic & Kat Dodds of Hello Cool World want to thank all the many talented people who worked on this project:

Alicia Bertrand

Andrew Dexel

Annette Harding

Bella Sie

Breanna Viala

Cole McGillivary

Dale McGladdery

D'Arcy Hamilton

Deby MacGregor

Emily Birr

Emma Djwa

Haley Hunt-Brondwin

Jenn Lewis

Jessie Johnston

John McCann

John Sawa

Karen Madeiros

Kevin Watt

Jayne Wilson

Joan Kirkbride

Lisa Hartley

Lori Rose

Marissa Mills

Mary Caros

Rachelle Dallaire

Ronda Sweeney

Sandy Haksi

Sam Pothier

Shawn Larabee

Terry Sunderland

Terrena O’Conner

Weston Snider

Victoria Angell

And all the families!

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